Secret Runner Lingo: Do you speak runner?

Secret Runner Lingo: Do you speak runner?

Runners sometimes speak in a language that only other runners can understand. Here are some of our favorite runner-isms defined:

Runderful: How you feel the minute after you finish your run

Runhole: A runner who talks constantly about running and neglects friends and family for training and racing.

Runcrastination: When you struggle to get out the door for your run.

Runbattical: A temporary phase when runners change up their routine to include more cross training and less running.

Rungry: That angry, stabby way runners feel when they need post-run fuel pronto

Run for the Roses: When a runner attempts to qualify for Boston

Runners Amnesia: Trance-like state during which runners completely forget how painful and time-consuming training and racing can be and register for #alltheraces

Code Brown: An emergency situation where one is in dire need know

Runfie: A running selfie

GarminBrag: When a runner posts his/her Garmin watch face on social media displaying their running stats.

Chick: (verb, as in to chick someone) When a female runner passes a male runner in the homestretch of a race.

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